
Informational Webinar

In this technical informational webinar, Dr. Olivier Dery, Director of Celigo Business at Nexcelom Bioscience will review a series of topics pertaining to 3D Tumor spheroid models. He starts with a quick overview of the Celigo image cytometer, an instrument provided by Nexcelom, that provides high throughput full well imaging and analysis with bright field and 4 channels of fluorescence, on adherent and suspension cells. From there, the rest of the webinar covers many aspects to 3D Tumor Models. 3D models have been demonstrated to be more predictive of effective clinical therapies and more reflective of tumor microenvironments. We then explore the benefits and disadvantages of various methods to generate 3D tumor spheroids including hanging drops, scaffolding, matrigel coated and ULA plates. We explore spheroid nomenclature – reviewing the types of spheres that can be formed: tight spheroids, compact aggregates and loose aggregates; and review cell types we’ve tested and which type of spheroid we are able to create with them. We take the time to review some key applications in 3D models that can be performed using the Celigo, with examples of work done on the Celigo by one of our customers (Vinci et al., BMC Biology 2012 / Vinci et al., Methods in Mol Biol 2013 / Vinci et al., JoVE 2015). In this section, we look at the experimental set up for each assay and also present actual data and images collected from using the Celigo. Experiments covered include growth inhibition assays, migration assays with ECM, invasion into Matrigel. Lastly, we look at how the Celigo can perform viability assays and drug combination treatment screening experiments on 3D tumor spheroids.