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Detection of Multiplexed GFP Reporters in Primary Articular Chondrocyte Cultures Using Cellometer Vision Image Cytometer

In this work, we have developed an image cytometry method for detecting and monitoring the cell expansion and differentiation of articular chondrocytes in primary culture. First, the feasibility of utilizing image cytometry for detection of fluorescent is shown by comparing measured fluorescent positive cell populations to flow cytometry. Next, articular chondrocyte cultures were established in multi-well plates from either single or Cyan/eGFP double
reporter mouse lines and grown for 20 days to test the utility of the fluorescence-based image cytometry system. We show that image cytometry is capable of measuring the positive cell
populations. Here, we demonstrate an image cytometry method that is useful for a timecourse characterization of cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation of a primary culture
derived from a GFP reporter animal.

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