Home/App Note: Best Practices for scRNAseq – Reducing your scRNAseq Sequencing Costs
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Cellometer® K2 Flourescence Cell Counter & HIVE™ scRNAseq Solution

There is a fine line between liberating single cells from their sample matrix and compromising cell integrity. Single cell RNAseq is more sensitive to sample preparation and storage than traditional sequencing, so even seasoned researchers may underestimate the importance of QC for cell viability and sample purity.

The Cellometer® K2 Fluorescent Cell Counter measures viability and purity more reliably than trypan blue1,2 and brightfield,3 so you can quickly optimize your sample prep without wasting your sequencing budget. Using the Cellometer® K2 Cell Counter to count cells optimizes costs, and helps labs avoid issues arising from poor sample quality, such as sample bias, low cell recovery, low gene counts, and high mitochondrial reads. This rapid QC technology can help you gather reproducible, scRNAseq data with the HIVE™ scRNAseq Solution.

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