Simple Workflow for Seahorse™ Normalization Assay

In recent years, Celigo Image Cytometer has been used to perform bright field or fluorescence-based direct cell counting for Seahorse™ XF data normalization [3]. Due to its ability to capture whole-well images, at high speed; Celigo direct cell counting application has been adapted into the general workflow for Seahorse™ XF96, XFe96, and XF24 Analyzers.

Celigo Image Cytometer provides a fast, effective, and cell stress-free technique to count cells plated onto uncoated or coated culture plates. The system contains built-in plate profiles for the Seahorse™ plates and will acquire one whole well image of a 96-well plate in ~4-5 seconds, and analysis of the entire plate is ~6 min in bright field, and ~9 min in fluorescence.

*Seahorse™ XF Analyzer is a product of Agilent –